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Master your COMLEX-USA Level 3 with 3 practice exams of 110 questions each pulled from a database of 1,000 questions. Immediate feedback after each question. Plus 1 certification style exam with gap analysis report to show areas of weakness.

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Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

What I appreciate most about Plum Stone Prep’s online practice tests is their emulation of the real exam. Entering the exam room, I felt a strong sense of confidence in my grasp of the material, and upon leaving, I had no doubt that my investment of time had been thoroughly justified.
Janice B. New Jersey

What you get in this package

Prepare to excel in the COMLEX-USA Level 3 Exam with our practice exam package with questions and feedback designed to guide you through the final and crucial step of your osteopathic medical certification. The Dude offers three prep exam attempts with real-time feedback on each question, enabling you to pinpoint and reinforce your areas of weakness.

In this package you get:

  • 3 practice exams with immediate feedback after each response
  • A Gap Analysis report at the end of the practice exams to show areas of weakness
  • 1 sample certification exam (answers not shown) that simulates the real exam

As you advance to the high-stakes exam attempt, approach the test environment with confidence, equipped with insights and strategies refined through targeted practice. Our practice package is your indispensable tool for mastering the complexities of the Level 3 exam questions.

Embrace this opportunity to elevate your exam preparation beyond mere study, transforming it into a strategic journey toward achieving your best possible performance and passing scores! 

Are you looking for the COMLEX-USA Level 1 or the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE? We have them! 

About the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam

Welcome to the COMLEX-USA Level 3 practice exam!

The COMLEX-USA consists of three levels: 

  • Level 1
  • Level 2 (CE) - Cognitive Evaluation 
  • Level 2 (PE) - Performance Evaluation (This is a hands on assessment - not a multiple-choice “exam”)
  • Level 3 

Level 1 is typically taken during the second year of medical school, Level 2 is taken during the clinical years, and Level 3 is taken during residency training. 

The COMLEX-USA Level 3 is the final exam in the series to assess competency and knowledge for diagnosing/managing patients with diseases across disciplines.

Students typically take Level 3 at end of first year of ACGME residency training and must have passed COMLEX Level 1 and both parts of Level 2.

The COMLEX Level 3 focuses on interpreting labs, diagnostics, and developing patient management plans. It assesses how one should address urgent/emergent presentations and public health threats in addition to general Osteopathic principles. 

This exam consists of 110 questions and you will have 2.5 hours to complete it. This exam is scored based on medical knowledge, clinical skills, osteopathic patient management, and medical law/ethics. ACOMES cutoff score for passing currently hovers around 80%

Topics include:

  • Surgical Specialties
  • Recognizing Life-threatening Diseases
  • Medical Specialties
  • Managing Lab Interpretation
  • Interpreting Results
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Developing Integrated Plans
  • Critical Care Issues
  • Communicable Diseases
  • Addressing Urgent Presentations


What is the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam?
The COMLEX-USA (Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States) Level 3 is the final exam in the series of three licensing exams required for osteopathic physicians in the United States. It assesses the candidate's knowledge and skills in managing patients in an unsupervised setting, with a focus on patient safety and independent practice.

What topics are covered in the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam?
The COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam covers a wide range of clinical disciplines, including internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, family medicine, and osteopathic principles and practice. The exam emphasizes patient management, clinical decision-making, and patient safety in the context of independent practice.

When can I take the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam?
Candidates are eligible to take the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam after passing the COMLEX-USA Level 1 and Level 2-CE exams and completing at least six months of postgraduate training. The exam is offered at various times throughout the year, and candidates can schedule their exam based on their eligibility and readiness.

How is the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam scored?
The COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam is scored on a pass/fail basis, with a minimum passing score determined by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME).

How can I prepare for the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam? 
To prepare for the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam, candidates can use a variety of study resources, including question banks, review books, online courses, and practice exams (like ours!). It's essential to create a study plan, focus on high-yield topics, and practice with questions that mimic the exam format. Candidates should also draw upon their postgraduate training experience to develop clinical decision-making skills.

Are there any changes to the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam this year?
Back in 2023, the NBOME introduced a new blueprint for the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam, which includes updated content and a greater emphasis on patient safety and independent practice. However, the overall format and scoring of the exam remain the same.

How many times can I take the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam?
Candidates are allowed to take the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam up to six times. However, after three unsuccessful attempts, candidates must obtain special permission from the NBOME to retake the exam.

Is the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam required for licensure in all states?
Each state has its own licensure requirements for osteopathic physicians. While most states require passing scores on all three levels of the COMLEX-USA exams, some states may have additional requirements or accept alternative exams like the USMLE. It's important to check with the specific state medical board for their licensure requirements.

Exam Anxiety?

Exam anxiety is a common experience, but there are many strategies you can employ to manage it effectively. We have some awesome tips to help you tackle exam anxiety effectively.

Check out our helpful strategies to reduce exam anxiety and improve performance.

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