COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE (Cognitive Evaluation)


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Master your COMLEX-USA Level 2 CE Exam with 3 practice exams of 350 questions each pulled from a database of 900 questions. Real time feedback after each question. Plus 1 certification style exam with gap analysis report to show areas of weakness.

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Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

What I appreciate most about Plum Stone Prep’s online practice tests is their emulation of the real exam. Entering the exam room, I felt a strong sense of confidence in my grasp of the material, and upon leaving, I had no doubt that my investment of time had been thoroughly justified.
Janice B. New Jersey

What you get in this package

Elevate your preparation for the COMLEX-USA Level 2 CE Exam with our premier practice exam package. Designed with precision to mirror the complexity and scope of the real thing, these prep questions also provide immediate feedback which helps you focus your studies more efficiently. 

In this package you get:

  • 3 practice exams with immediate feedback after each response
  • A Gap Analysis report at the end of the practice exams to show areas of weakness
  • 1 sample certification exam (answers not shown) that simulates the real exam

Our high-stakes exam attempt will foster confidence and will enhance your ability to perform under pressure. Ideal for candidates seeking COMLEX Level 2 CE excellence with a comprehensive exam prep -- our package is a critical tool for success.

Step into the exam armed with knowledge and the assurance that comes from thorough preparation. Our practice exam package is your guide to achieving outstanding results on the COMLEX-USA Level 2 CE Exam, setting a solid foundation for your future in osteopathic medicine.

Are you looking for the COMLEX-USA Level 1 or the COMLEX-USA Level 3? We have them! 

About the COMLEX-USA Level 2 CE exam

Welcome to the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE practice exam!

The COMLEX-USA consists of three levels: 

  • Level 1
  • Level 2 (CE) - Cognitive Evaluation 
  • Level 2 (PE) - Performance Evaluation (This is a hands on assessment - not a multiple-choice “exam”)
  • Level 3 

Level 1 is typically taken during the second year of medical school, Level 2 is taken during the clinical years, and Level 3 is taken during residency training. 

The COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE (Cognitive Evaluation) is the second exam in the licensure sequence taken by osteopathic medical students in the United States. The purpose of this exam is assessing your knowledge, skills, and understanding that is required for direct patient care and clinical problem solving. The Level 2 CE Builds on Level 1 basic science concepts.

This exam is typically taken at the end of the final clinical year of osteopathic medical school and a passing score is required to obtain a DO degree. Passing this exam and others allows eligibility to start residency and pursue osteopathic graduate medical education training.

The COMLEX Level 2-CE uses case presentations and questions models to demonstrate clinical decision making expected of new osteopathic physicians for contemporary medical practice and patient care environments.

This exam consists of 350 questions and you will have 8 hours to complete it. This exam is scored out of 800 points total and a minimum passing score is 400 points. (Or roughly 50%) 

Topics include:

  • Surgical Procedures
  • Surgery
  • Psychiatry & Behavioral Health
  • Pediatrics
  • Osteopathic Principles
  • Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Interpersonal Communication & Pro.
  • Internal Medicine
  • Emergency Medicine


What is the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam?
The COMLEX-USA (Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States) Level 2-Cognitive Evaluation (CE) is the second of a series of three licensing exams required for osteopathic physicians in the United States. It assesses the candidate's clinical knowledge and skills in various medical disciplines.

What topics are covered in the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam?
The COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam covers a wide range of clinical disciplines, including internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, family medicine, and osteopathic principles and practice. The exam focuses on diagnosis, management, and treatment of common clinical presentations.

When can I take the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam?
Osteopathic medical students typically take the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam during their third or fourth year of medical school, after completing their core clinical rotations. The exam is offered at various times throughout the year, and candidates can schedule their exam based on their eligibility and readiness.

How is the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam structured?
The COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam is a computer-based test that consists of two four-hour sessions administered on the same day. The exam includes approximately 400 multiple-choice questions presented in a clinical vignette format.

How is the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam scored?
The COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam is scored on a scale of 200-800, with a passing score of 400. The score is based on the candidate's performance relative to a predetermined standard set by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME).

How can I prepare for the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam?
To prepare for the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam, candidates can use a variety of study resources, including question banks, review books, online courses, and practice exams (Prep here with the Dude!). It's essential to create a study plan, focus on high-yield topics, and practice with questions that mimic the exam format.

Are there any changes to the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam this year?
Back in 2023, the NBOME introduced a new blueprint for the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam, which includes updated content and a greater emphasis on clinical decision-making. However, the overall format and scoring of the exam remain the same.

Is the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam required for allopathic (MD) students?
No, the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam is specific to osteopathic (DO) students. Allopathic students take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK) exam instead.

How many times can I take the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam?
Candidates are allowed to take the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam up to four times. However, after three unsuccessful attempts, candidates must obtain special permission from the NBOME to retake the exam.

What happens if I fail the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam?
If you fail the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam, you will need to retake it before moving on to the COMLEX-USA Level 3 exam. It's important to analyze your performance, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your study strategy before attempting the exam again. Your medical school may also offer guidance and support in preparing for a retake.

How important is the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE score for residency applications?
The COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE score is an important factor in residency applications, as it demonstrates your clinical knowledge and readiness for graduate medical education. Many residency programs use COMLEX-USA scores as a way to screen and compare applicants.

Can I take breaks during the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam?
Yes, the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam includes scheduled breaks between the two four-hour testing sessions. Candidates can also take unscheduled breaks during the exam, but the clock will continue to run during these breaks.

What should I bring to the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam?
On exam day, you should bring a valid government-issued photo ID, your scheduling permit, and any necessary medical supplies or equipment. The testing center will provide scratch paper and earplugs. Personal items such as phones, watches, and bags are not allowed in the testing room.

How long does it take to receive COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE scores?
COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE scores are typically released 4-6 weeks after the exam date. Candidates will receive an email notification when their scores are available to view online.

Can I review my COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam performance?
The NBOME offers a Post-Examination Analysis (PEA) for the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam, which provides a detailed breakdown of your performance by content area and question type. This analysis can help you identify strengths and weaknesses in your clinical knowledge.

How does the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam differ from the USMLE Step 2 CK?
While both exams cover similar clinical content areas, the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE includes additional questions related to osteopathic principles and practice. The COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE is also graded on a different scale than the USMLE Step 2 CK.

Can I take the COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE exam before the Level 1 exam?
No, candidates must pass the COMLEX-USA Level 1 exam before they are eligible to take the Level 2-CE exam.

Exam Anxiety?

Exam anxiety is a common experience, but there are many strategies you can employ to manage it effectively. We have some awesome tips to help you tackle exam anxiety effectively.

Check out our helpful strategies to reduce exam anxiety and improve performance.

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