CEFR B2 Upper-Intermediate Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Exam

CEFR B2 Upper-Intermediate

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Master your CEFR B2 Upper-Intermediate with 3 practice exams of 100 questions each pulled from a database of 325 questions. Immediate feedback after each question. Plus 1 certification style exam with gap analysis report to show areas of weakness.

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Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

What I appreciate most about Plum Stone Prep’s online practice tests is their emulation of the real exam. Entering the exam room, I felt a strong sense of confidence in my grasp of the material, and upon leaving, I had no doubt that my investment of time had been thoroughly justified.
Janice B. New Jersey

What you get in this package

Feeling overwhelmed preparing for the CEFR B2 exam on your own? We get it—reaching upper-intermediate English fluency is no small feat. That’s why our friendly prep package breaks things down into achievable steps.

In this package you get:

  • 3 practice exams with immediate feedback after each response
  • A Gap Analysis report at the end of the practice exams to show areas of weakness
  • 1 sample certification exam (answers not shown) that simulates the CEFR B2

With 3 full-length practice tests, you’ll efficiently sharpen your grammar, expand conversational ability, and interpret complex writing without having to cram. After each prep test run, you'll get feedback to target growth areas—whether improving academic vocabulary or mastering nuanced phrasing. As skills steadily improve, confidence follows. By your final test simulation, you’ll feel ready to demonstrate your well-rounded English abilities with ease. We can help you feel ready to go on exam day — all you need to do is add this top-rated package to your shopping cart!

***The Dude wants you to know we have other CEFR exams too: 

About the CEFR B2 Upper-Intermediate exam

Welcome to the CEFR B2 Upper-Intermediate Exam. CEFR stands for Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This is a system to measure English language proficiency on a scale from A1 (beginner) to C2 (mastery).

CEFR B2 is the fourth level on the CEFR scale and is considered an Intermediate user of the English language. The CEFR B2 exam is designed for upper-intermediate-level English speakers and measures an upper-intermediate ability to use the English language. This practice exam simulates the questions you might find on the CEFR B2 Exam and focuses on upper-intermediate-level English language skills. 

You get 1.5 hours to answer 100 multiple-choice questions. Passing score is 65%.

  • The topics include:  Work and school - applying for jobs, workplace tasks, business travel, professional training
  • Personal interests - hobbies, entertainment, sports, arts, summarizing plots of books/movies
  • Travel - dealing with hotels, transportation, directions, tourist activities
  • Relationships - family, friends, social interactions, correspondence
  • Shopping - transactions, complaints, product features, classified ads
  • Health - symptoms, doctor visits, nutrition, exercise
  • Environment - nature, weather, conservation, sustainability
  • Technology - using devices, internet, social media, IT troubleshooting
  • Current events - news, political issues, cultural events
  • Abstract ideas - philosophical concepts, ethical issues, expressing opinions


What is the CEFR B2 exam? 
The CEFR B2 exam is a language proficiency test that assesses a person's ability to use a language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). B2 indicates an upper-intermediate level of proficiency, where the user can understand complex texts, interact fluently with native speakers, and produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects.

What are the goals of CEFR B2?
For the tester to prove that they understand the main ideas of complex texts on concrete or abstract topics, including some technical discussions and to be able to express themselves fluently and spontaneously enough to comfortably communicate with other English speakers.

Is a CEFR B2 certification considered "fluent"?
The B2 proves that you can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. You can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining your views.

How much does it cost to take the CEFR B2 exam? 
The cost of the CEFR B2 exam varies by language, exam provider, and test center location. Prices can range from around $150 to $300 or more.

Is the CEFR B2 exam widely recognized for university admission or employment? 
Yes, the CEFR B2 level is widely recognized by universities and employers worldwide as proof of a high level of language proficiency. Many institutions require a B2 level or higher for admission to academic programs or for certain job positions where the language is the primary medium of communication.

How long are CEFR B2 exam results valid? 
The validity period of CEFR B2 exam results varies by exam provider and receiving institution. Some results may be valid for life, while others may have a specific expiration date, such as two or three years from the test date.

Exam Anxiety?

Exam anxiety is a common experience, but there are many strategies you can employ to manage it effectively. We have some awesome tips to help you tackle exam anxiety effectively.

Check out our helpful strategies to reduce exam anxiety and improve performance.

Software that drives like a Ferrari!

For too long, crappy prep exams from companies with no experience in software have taken too much money from people. We have the best exam software in the business. It’s interactive. It’s smart. It’s fun to drive. And you’ll learn as you go