EPPP Practice Tests | Thousands of Questions


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Master your EPPP Exam with 3 practice exams of 225 questions each pulled from a database of 1,400 questions. Immediate feedback after each question. Plus 1 certification style exam with gap analysis report to show areas of weakness.

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Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

What I appreciate most about Plum Stone Prep’s online practice tests is their emulation of the real exam. Entering the exam room, I felt a strong sense of confidence in my grasp of the material, and upon leaving, I had no doubt that my investment of time had been thoroughly justified.
Janice B. New Jersey

What you get in this package

Getting ready for the intense EPPP exam is enough to make even the most academically-minded person feel overwhelmed. It's easy to get lost in the weeds of obscure theories and terminology. However, you can breathe a sigh of relief once you take our confidence-building practice exams. We prepare you for the big test by breaking each topic down and providing feedback on each question so you can be truly ready.

In this package you get:

  • 3 practice exams with immediate feedback after each response
  • A Gap Analysis report at the end of the practice exams to show areas of weakness
  • 1 sample certification exam (answers not shown) that simulates the EPPP exam you will be taking on 'game day'

The practice tests are filled with questions like the ones you’ll see on the actual EPPP Exam on exam day. You will be able to prioritize your study efforts on your specific areas of weakness to optimize your time instead of randomly cramming. Our practice tests will help guide you through one of your biggest milestones. The EPPP has met its match – go for it!

About the EPPP exam

This exam simulates the questions you might find on the EPPP Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology Exam focuses on the fundamentals and essential knowledge areas in internal auditing.

You get 4 hours and 15 minutes to answer 225 multiple-choice questions. Passing score is scaled overall on a point system where 500 out of 800 required to pass — or roughly 62.5%.

The topics include:
* Biological Bases of Behavior
* Cognitive-affective Bases of Behavior
* Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior
* Growth and Lifespan Development
* Assessment and Diagnosis
* Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision
* Research Methods and Statistics
* Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues


What is the format of the EPPP exam?
The EPPP exam is a computer-based test that consists of multiple-choice questions.

How many questions are on the EPPP, and how much time is allotted to complete the exam?
As of late 2023, the EPPP exam had 225 questions, and test-takers were given 4 hours and 15 minutes to complete the exam.

What is the passing score for the EPPP?
The passing score for the EPPP varies by jurisdiction, but it is typically around 500 on a scaled score ranging from 200 to 800.

How much does it cost to take the EPPP?
The cost of taking the EPPP exam was approximately $600 as of August 2023, but this may vary by jurisdiction.

What are the eligibility requirements to sit for the EPPP?
To be eligible for the EPPP, candidates must have completed a doctoral degree in psychology from an accredited institution and met any additional requirements set by their jurisdiction's licensing board.

How do I register for the EPPP exam?
Registration for the EPPP is done through the ASPPB website, and candidates must be approved by their jurisdiction's licensing board before they can register.

What topics are covered on the EPPP exam?
The EPPP covers a wide range of topics in psychology, including biological bases of behavior, cognitive-affective bases of behavior, social and multicultural bases of behavior, growth and lifespan development, assessment and diagnosis, treatment/intervention, research methods, and ethical/legal/professional issues.

How should I prepare for the EPPP?
Preparation for the EPPP typically involves studying a variety of materials, such as textbooks, study guides, and practice exams. Many test-takers also participate in study groups or take preparatory courses.

Are there any changes or updates to the EPPP exam content or format?
As of August 2023, there were no significant changes to the EPPP exam content or format, but it's important to check for updates regularly.

What happens if I don't pass the EPPP on my first attempt?
If a candidate does not pass the EPPP on their first attempt, they may retake the exam after a waiting period determined by their jurisdiction's licensing board.

How often can I retake the EPPP if I don't pass?
The number of times a candidate can retake the EPPP varies by jurisdiction, but there is typically a limit on the number of attempts allowed within a certain time frame.

How long are EPPP scores valid?
The validity of EPPP scores is determined by each jurisdiction's licensing board, but scores are typically valid for several years.

Can I take the EPPP exam remotely, or do I need to go to a testing center?
As of August 2023, the EPPP exam was administered at testing centers, and remote testing was not available.

Are there any accommodations available for test-takers with disabilities?
Accommodations for test-takers with disabilities are available and can be requested during the registration process. Documentation of the disability may be required.

How long does it take to receive my EPPP exam results?
EPPP exam results are typically available within 4-6 weeks after the test date, but this may vary by jurisdiction.


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