CIA Part 3 Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing Exam

CIA Part 3 Exam

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Master your CIA Part 3 Exam with 3 practice exams of 100 questions each pulled from a database of 350 questions. Immediate feedback after each question. Plus 1 certification style exam with gap analysis report to show areas of weakness.

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Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

Price:  $60  $30 (30 day access)

What I appreciate most about Plum Stone Prep’s online practice tests is their emulation of the real exam. Entering the exam room, I felt a strong sense of confidence in my grasp of the material, and upon leaving, I had no doubt that my investment of time had been thoroughly justified.
Janice B. New Jersey

What you get in this package

The Dude knows that all the complex business principles on the CIA Part 3 can initially seem confusing and anxiety-inducing. But take a deep breath - our supportive prep exam package is here to transform all those challenging concepts from intimidating to reassuring. With our practice exams and awesome feedback, now's your chance to cement your knowledge of financial analysis, leadership dynamics, and other key topics.

In this package you get:

  • 3 practice exams with immediate feedback after each response
  • A Gap Analysis report at the end of the practice exams to show areas of weakness
  • 1 sample certification exam (answers not shown) that simulates the real exam you will be taking

The Dude helps illuminate your strengths and your areas that need improvement so you can spend your study time efficiently. By the time you take that high-stakes certification exam, all that business acumen stuff will feel like second nature. You’ll be ready to take on the CIA Part 3 Exam with newfound confidence. Consider our practice test experience to be your best guide toward readiness and reassurance. Take the sample exams and watch everything click perfectly into place. Chin up - you've got this!

Are you looking for the CIA Part 1 or the CIA Part 2 practice exams? We have them!

About the CIA Part 3 exam

Welcome to the CIA Part 3 Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing Exam. This exam simulates the questions you might find on the CIA Part 3 Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing Exam focuses on the fundamentals and essential knowledge areas in internal auditing.

You get 2 hours to answer 100 multiple-choice questions. Passing score is 75%. However, when you take the real exam, you may not see your score. You may only learn if you passed or failed. 

The topics include:
* Business Acumen
* Information Security
* Financial Management
* Organizational Behavior
* Auditing Leadership Principles
* Regulatory and Legal Requirements

CIA Part 3 FAQ

Can I take the CIA Part 3 exam before passing Parts 1 and 2?
No, candidates must pass the CIA Part 1 and Part 2 exams before they can take the CIA Part 3 exam.

What topics are covered in the CIA Part 3 exam?
The CIA Part 3 exam covers these domains: Business Acumen, Information Security, Financial Management, Organizational Behavior, Auditing Leadership Principles, Regulatory and Legal Requirements

How many questions are on the CIA Part 3 exam?
The CIA Part 3 exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions.

What is the format of the questions on the CIA Part 3 exam?
The CIA Part 3 exam consists of multiple-choice questions. Each question has four possible answer choices, and candidates must select the best answer.

How much time is allotted for the CIA Part 3 exam? 
Candidates have 120 minutes (2 hours) to complete the CIA Part 3 exam.

What is the passing score for the CIA Part 3 exam?
The passing score for the CIA Part 3 exam is 75%

What study materials are recommended for the CIA Part 3 exam? 
Prep with the Dude! Take our online practice questions. Other popular study resources include Gleim CIA Review and Hock International CIA Review.

How can I best prepare for the CIA Part 3 exam?
To prepare for the CIA Part 3 exam, Prep with the Dude! Candidates should review the exam syllabus, study consistently using quality materials, practice with multiple-choice questions, and focus on understanding concepts rather than just memorizing facts.

What is the CIA Part 3 exam fee?
The CIA Part 3 exam fee is $350 for IIA members and $495 for non-members.

How often is the CIA Part 3 exam offered?
The CIA Part 3 exam is offered year-round worldwide. Candidates can schedule their exam at their convenience.

How long is the CIA certification valid after passing all three parts of the exam? 
The CIA certification is valid for three years. To maintain the certification, CIAs must report a minimum of 40 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits each year, for a total of 120 hours over the three-year period.

What is the eligibility criteria for the CIA Part 3 exam?
To be eligible for the CIA Part 3 exam, candidates must have passed the CIA Part 1 and Part 2 exams. They must also have a bachelor's degree or equivalent and a minimum of 24 months of internal audit experience or equivalent.

How many times can I retake the CIA Part 3 exam if I don't pass? 
Candidates can retake the CIA Part 3 exam as many times as needed within the eligibility period. However, there is a 90-day waiting period between each attempt.

Are there any exemptions or waivers for the CIA Part 3 exam?
There are no exemptions or waivers for the CIA Part 3 exam. All candidates must pass this exam to earn the CIA certification.

Is the CIA Part 3 exam offered in languages other than English?
Yes, the CIA Part 3 exam is offered in several languages, including English, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish.


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Check out our helpful strategies to reduce exam anxiety and improve performance.

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